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AMiable Solution #253: Is Every Picture Perfect?

AMi Direct

Does your market see your company the way you do?  You’ve stared at your logo and read your marketing collateral so many times that you think everyone must know about your company by now, right?  What if they don’t?  What if they see things that aren’t there or don’t see things that are?  First impressions are hard to change.  See why you should give your company a fresh-eyed glance

Do you have a space to fill on your website? Quickly grabbing a picture to fill the hole may not be your best bet.

According to CXL, web optimization experts, “When it comes to online imagery, it’s not so much about having images, as it is about making sure those images give the visitor a sense of texture, size, scale, detail, context and brand.”

In its August 11, 2017 article, “Stock Photography vs. Real Photos: Can’t We Use Both?,” CXL reports that 67% of online shoppers consider high quality images as more important to their decision process than product specific information (63%), long descriptions (54%), and reviews and ratings (53%).

But picking the right image for your website—or any marketing piece—is tricky. How do you know which one will convey the right message? Keep these three tips in mind, courtesy of MarketingExperts presenters Flint McGlaughlin, Tony Doty, and Nathan Thompson and writers Austin McCraw and Daniel Burstein:

  • RELEVANCE – Images should have a direct implication of value for the actual product or service. Doing so helps readers make a connection between the image and the perceived value of your offer.

  • REALITY – Images are more powerful when they appear real. They create authenticity for your product or service and help your customers close the “virtual distance between an offer’s value and the recipient’s perception of that value.”

  • RELATIVE WEIGHT – Bigger images are generally better; they attract the reader’s eye and bring “more force to the value communicated by the image.” Don’t overdo it, though. Too many competing images will confuse your customer.

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