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AMiable Solution #435: New Year’s Solutions

This year, instead of focusing on “the big plan,” try addressing those pesky common office issues that have been plaguing your workforce for months.

If you want 2022 to be the year you accomplish great things at work, the key is to start by addressing the difficult things at work. You know, the things that cause everyone the most stress. The issues everyone gripes about when they’re refilling their coffee mugs or riding the elevator.

To have great success at work sometimes means making big changes in little ways.

A team of psychologists at the International Psychology Clinic in London identified the ten most common problems people have at work and how to fix them. For the full article, see this, but for our top three picks, read on.

1. Lack of Training

No matter how qualified for a job someone is, you can’t expect him/her to succeed unless you provide proper training. Proper training addresses each individual’s job description, company expectations, and accountability.

It’s more than a formality. It’s an opportunity to help new hires truly understand what the company does, how it operates, what motivates customers to support it, what the office culture is like, who to turn to for help, etc.

You can’t expect employees to “fit the mold” unless they know what that looks like.

2. No Two-Way Communication

In order to develop loyal, honest employees, management has to look beyond the organizational chart. Employees enjoy their work more and in turn function better in an environment where they feel like their efforts, their opinions, and their expertise matter. In other words, they want to be part of the conversation, not just on the receiving end of all communications.

In the words of the psychologists at the Psychology Clinic, “Be on the line with them, talk to them, and let them know that you are open to anything they want to share. This is how you make them a part of your workplace.”

3. Lack of Job-Related Accountability

What frustrates and demotivates a worker more than just about anything else? Watching lazy or untrained employees get away with doing minimal or poor work, particularly when the good ones go unnoticed or rewarded.

Holding poor-performing workers accountable and rewarding those who consistently perform well not only improves those areas of the business affected by the lower performers, but it also prevents the better performers from losing motivation and either taking the lazy route or the door.

Make 2022 a year of growth and solutions. One obstacle at a time.

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