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  • AMi Direct

AMiable Solution #448: Your Perfect Customer

You’ve been segmenting your marketing for years, but when it comes down to it, can you describe your perfect customer?

It’s easy to talk about the importance of target marketing. It’s much harder to actually do it.

I think we can all agree that, in general, it’s better to market to people with specific characteristics that you can appeal to than it is to try to write one-size-fits-all copy that you send to a mass of people with mixed demographics, interests, buying histories, etc.

But how do you know who you should be targeting? How do you know who you’re marketing to? Forget for just a moment all of the data you may or may not have been collecting on your buyers and all of the details spelled out on rental list data cards and simply consider this: who is your “perfect” customer?

Need help? Your perfect customer should be…

● someone who already uses a product or service like what you’re selling. You’re not going to sell cat food to a dog owner, but you could sell a lawn service to the owner of a single-family dwelling. Unless you’re offering a revolutionary product that an untested marketing absolutely must have, prioritize seeking people already familiar with your industry.

● able to afford what you’re selling. Could a recent college grad afford a Lexus? Could a single parent pay for an elaborate, high-end entertainment system? Maybe, but maybe not. Consider the income of your intended recipient when pitching products.

● someone with multiple needs. Joe Smith wants your widget? Great news! He could also use your gizmos and thingamabobs? Now we’re talking. Customers with multiple or recurring needs provide more opportunities for building relationships and profits.

● the decision maker, or at least someone close to the decision maker. Otherwise, your beautiful offers simply end up on someone’s wish list or worse–the circular file.

● someone who shares your company’s values, ideas, and/or lifestyle. Customers are more loyal to companies that are more like them. If creating a product or service that is environmentally responsible is important to you, buyers who value that same quality will be more likely to seek you, find you, buy from you, and buy from you again.

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